Leaving Oregon was hard. I have loved my family and the chance I had to be close to them. I forgot how awesome it is to just call up a family member and invite yourself over or get a hug from a little cousin or not have to explain how your colorful family history makes you say weird things. Here are some pics from my last few days there...
italian soda fun with birgette and stefan
this lady is making my bouquet. whatever flowers i want for $10
my poor uncle hurt his hand so me and my aunt Michelle were on crab duty
me and my cousin Haylee
A few days after all this fun... I find myself in one of the most famously beautiful places on earth! Thanks to the kindness of a Mormon family that we connected with through a family friend, I am living in Pebble Beach, only 1.1 miles from the ocean and about two blocks off 17 Mile Drive. It's so pretty, I have even been inspired to start jogging. I know, crazy.
I'm working at the Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula, locally referred to as CHOMP. It is the nicest hospital I have EVER been to and I love it. I work in the ICU and the telemetry unit so these patients are very different than what I'm used to, but it is fun to do something new. My co-workers are great and the days fly by!
the best part of my new room: storage for scarves and vera
that's monterey baby!
i like these venice-y looking buildings
this is what i get to jog to
just some deer, hoping to catch some golf
and this town is so great that there is a nautical shop, where they only sell horizontally striped clothing and large model ships
berries at the monterey farmer's market
Monastery Beach